Structural fires in the United States have declined in number by nearly 40 percent over the last twenty years. Properly installed and maintained fire protection systems have played a significant role in driving this reduction. Protecting your people, facilities, and physical assets from fire is a fundamental responsibility of any business and Firetrol Protection Systems has the in-house expertise and resources to ensure that you're protected and in compliance.

Fire Sprinkler Systems
Consistent results in constantly evolving industries
Protection starts with a plan and requires constant attention
Firetrol maintains a staff of dedicated professionals that are trained and certified to design, install and maintain fire protection that allow us to bring value from the inception of our clients projects with budgeting, conceptual design, and code compliance/review. These steps build the foundation for successful projects by making sure that budgets are met, schedules are maintained and occupancy is approved by the governing authorities. Once installed, we continue to provide support to our team by providing the inspections, maintenance, and service necessary to ensure that the system is in good working order and provide the documentation you need to confirm that your facility is in compliance.
Fire Protection systems are designed to perform in all types of situations

Fire protection and sprinkler systems must be able to perform in different environments and provide protection for various types of hazards. In order to accomplish this, we work with a number of manufacturers and distributors to bring together the best technology with proven performance to provide solutions like:
Wet Systems
Dry Systems
Pre-Action Systems
Deluge Systems
Standpipe / Hose systems
Fire Line Equipment
Fire Pumps and Water Storage
Backflow Preventers